Wednesday 28 April 2010

Busy April

Hi all! I'm sorry I have abandoned my blog for a while.
I have some stories to share with you.
I'm so busy lately. especially  2 weeks ago. I was facing a hell week and my body endurance was not good enough. I fell sick.
The most craziest day was when I had a Cytology Histology quiz for 10 chapters in one day. Fortunately, I worked together with some of my friends by making summary. It was not easy, but it really helped us.
I did the quiz well by the way, and I felt that sleeping 2 hours that night worth the result.
Later, I will facing 2 projects, power supply project and sensor project. The time is only 4 weeks left and I haven't make anything. so the next few weeks will be hard to pass.
Btw, my little sister was writing a blog. I find her blog is cute. take a look here ^^

I haven't go shopping lately. I want to buy a shoes. But I bought many accessories lately, especially earrings. Can't resist earrings ;p
I have spend a lot of money lately, for my friends' birthday gift, for buying accessories. and next week my bf, Dion will having his birthday.. I was planning a surprise for him. off course he haven't know about it. hopefully he hasn't reading my blog this days ^^
and off course, much money to spend, again T.T

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Recall please

On the day after tomorrow, I'm going to have electronic quiz.
And I'm so afraid now. Why?
because the test will also cover 1st semester's lesson in electrical engineering, which (this is the important part) I already forget!
So, please... My memory, come back to me...
My brain, please recall that one..
FYI, I've been studying about that one (Thevenin's and Norton's theorem) for the last 2 hours, and I'm stuck now. So, in order not to wasting this time, I decided to post a new post in my blog. Ha3...

Tuesday 9 March 2010

Back again - Valentine

Hello all!! So so sorry, I haven't update my blog for almost 1 month. This is due to my internship reports. Some weeks ago, I applied internship in Siloam Hospital. And I can't believe that they accepted. And also the internship began on 15th feb, 1 day after Chinese New Year. The internship was for 1 week. And the unexpected thing is that I must make a report.

2 report? Yeah, 1 for Dharmais and the other for Siloam. But now 1 down, and 1 in printing process :) Even though I've finished them, new semester has already began, actually yesterday.. And I'm certain that in the next 2 weeks, I'm going to head some crazy weeks, much worse than the week back when I was doing my reports.

Hopefully I still can update my blog. Wish me luck! :)

And, I want to tell you about some event that happened few weeks ago: Valentine's day! Well, this year, I didn't celebrate Valentine's day. :) But I made something, not chocolate, but cookies. I made it with 2 friends, Moni & Metta. Each of us made a different thing, as for Moni, she made a rumballs, and Metta melt chocolate.
me, mixing the dough

baking time

cookies on the baking paper

burnt cookies on the left

We made them 2 days before Valentine's day. At 8 o'clock in the morning, Metta and Moni came to my house. And I was the last that finished, because mine was harder that them (hard for me, because that was the first time I made cookies.)
ta da!

I was trying to upload some photos. But my internet here is poor (I'm not in home anyway, but in a rented room around my University).

I made cookies, but why don't celebrate valentine? I only gave it to Dion, and the moment I gave him is in celebrating Chinese New Year. I went to his house for Chinese New Year dinner and ended up with an Angpao from his mother ^^ Also in the next few days we also didn't have valentine dinner or something like that, just like the others did. But we did had dinner, my birthday dinner at 16th Feb, just the two of us, at sizzler, all you can eat, yummy!!
ich und ihn


what is this?

Ok I think it's enough for now, hope you enjoy it. Off to shower I go. cu!

Hi all, I've upload my photos... Enjoy ;p

Sunday 14 February 2010

Happy Chinese New Year

Happy Chinese New Year!

May we all have a prosperous years ahead!

Friday 12 February 2010

The fact about Valentine's day + Chinese New Year

I watched a Chinese channel named TVB8 just now. And I just heard from the presenter that the fact that the day when Valentine's day and Chinese New Year happened on the same day, is only happened 59 years once. Ho3. May you enjoy this Valentine's day and Chinese New Year! ^^

Tuesday 9 February 2010

Bad personality

Everyone sure has bad attitudes.
Yesterday, was the last day I do my internship at Dharmais Hospital. And my friends and I were planning to do internship again. together. And our candidate is Harapan Kita Hospital, the national Cardiovascular Center, that is next to Dharmais. And the requirements are reference letter and CV. So, my friend, Hana, is the one that usually deal with the administrative things, as I mentioned above.
And honestly, I was a little annoyed. I think Hana should have had brought the reference letter yesterday. Because yesterday we went home earlier than usual. If she had brought it yesterday, we didn't have to go to Harapan Kita again today. I almost decided not to go there this morning. But I thought that even Hana that has the farthest house, willing to go. As for me, I have the nearest house. Even I didn't feel so fit today, I decided to go.
I think Hana is the type that doesn't matter doing the same job twice. In short, she is a bit inflexible & ineffective. But, she is willing to help everyone, very active, and hard worker.

As for myself, I also have some bad personality. Such as bad tempered, lazy, too flexible: rule breaker and slow. I hope, I can change myself to a better person, even it takes time. ^^

And there is a personality that I dislike. I really don't like perfectionist or ambitious people. I don't know why. I just feel that, that kinda person slows another's work and always feel unsatisfied.

Bye Dharmais, let's play ice skating

Akhirnya hari terakhir di Dharmais tiba juga. Hari senin, setelah presentasi singkat tentang informasi alat2 yang telah diterima di Dharmais, gw dan temen2 kuliah gw; Hana & Taniya, pergi ke TA. The fact is that, mereka belom pernah maen Ice Skating. Kita pun memutuskan untuk main ice skate. Gak punya kaos kaki? Kita pun beli kaos kaki seharga 10rb 3 di atas jembatan. ^^

Ketika sampe di TA, kita menuju ke WC lantai 4, lalu ke Hokben. Tiba2 Hana nyari HPnya, dan gak ada. Taniya pun nelpon ke HPnya Hana. Ternyata HP nya udah di tempat office nya. Jadi hilangnya di WC dan ditemuin sama petugasnya. Hana pun harus ngelewati prosedur2 untuk mendapatkan kembali HPnya. Kita diberi tahu kalo officenya di lantai 5. Susah setengah mati tuh ke sana, karena kita ber3 tuh tersesat terus bahkan ke tempat parkir wakaka.... Di officenya, Hana ditanya2 tentang ciri2 HPnya, lalu suruh salah satu temennya telpon (yaitu gw & Taniya), ditanya nama temen yang telpon, dll deh. And finally, HP Hana pun kembali.

Di sini gw dapet pelajaran, kalo kita mesti hati2 banget sama barang2 kita sendiri apalagi HP & dompet. Kasus Hana jarang banget. Jaman sekarang mana ada HP ilang bisa ketemu begitu gampang. Ya ga? Seperti kata Taniya: "Kalo HP Hana ketemu lagi, artinya itu memang masih rejekinya"

Intinya, setelah itu, kita makan & main deh. Kita baru saja masuk ke lapangan esnya sekitar 1 menit, eh udah pelapisan es. Bener2 deh. Bagi Hana & Taniya yang baru aja main pertama kali wajar banget kalo belum bisa. Walaupun Hana udah ada dasar2nya karena udah bisa main roller skate. Sedangkan gw yang udah maen berkali2, say around 6 times lah, masih gak bisa. Bener2 malu deh... By the way, photos, enjoy!
Taniya & gw
Taniya & Hana
Pas main ice skate pun, gw masih berasa sakit di paha kanan gw abis main bultang kemarin itu. Plus pegel di tumit kiri gw.
Anyway, gw inget kejadian main ice skate pas SMA 1 deh. Pas itu ada 2 temen baik gw yang bernama Patty & Gilda. Mereka jahil abis sumpah, gw belum bisa main, tangan gw ditarik dua-duanya, mereka lari kenceng. Selanjutnya ya gw jatoh dengan lutu kiri gw. Akhirnya lutut kiri gw biru gede BANGET! Inget banget, ha3!!
Terakhir kali main sama Gilda & Patty lagi pas tahun 2008. hi3.. Waktu itu dalam rangka sebelum Gilda berangkat ke UK. Photo again ^^
miss you guys ^^
Kembali ke cerita Hana & Taniya. Akhirnya sebelum pulang kita beli Auntie's Anne rasa almond. Delicious! ^^

Teueres Federball Spiel

Am Sonntag spielte ich Federball mit meinen Freunden; Dion, Lizda, Moni, Vincent, Metta und Kenny.
Wir spielten in einem Sportstudio, dem liegt in der Nähe von Dions Haus.
Ein Stunde is Rp45,000. Sehr teuer. Und die Leute da sind unfreundlich. 
Nächstes Mal gehe ich wieder nicht in es. 
Hier sind unsere Fotos. Viel spaβ!
die Frauen
die Männer
Hände weg!
Nach der Spiel, wehtat mich meinem rechte Bein. Dion meinte, dass ich mich meinem rechte Bein weh tue konnte, weil das Feld hart ist.

Friday 5 February 2010

What a "what's happened today" day

Sejak 2 hari yang lalu, jalanan tuh macetttt banget.. Hari Selasa gw berangkat dari rumah jem 8.15 sampe dharmais jem 9. Hari Rabu (2 hari yang lalu), gw berangkat dari rumah jem 8, tapi malah nyampe jem 9 lebih dikit. Jalanan Selasa & Rabu bisa beda banget. Sepanjang perjalanan ke Dharmais, gw cuma bisa bilang: "What's happened today?" -.-a
Kelihatan Dharmais ^^
Selain itu, pas hari Selasa, name tag gw hilang. Bukan pertama kali name tag gw hilang. Sebelumnya udah pernah ilang & gw udah minta lg. Akhirnya ternyta name tag gw ada di rumah. Hahaha. Senang, jadi gak perlu minta name tag lagi. Eh ternyta, besoknya gw nyadar, gw kehilangan duit T.T sedihnya... gak jadi ilang name tag, malah hilang duit. Gw curiga kayaknya jatoh di taxi.. Hokinya pak taxi.. Itung2 buang sial aja deh~

Lalu, ada cerita juga. Kemarin pas buka facebook, di home gw lihat ada:
blablabla join the group dukungan facebookers buat sang kakek
eit?! what happened? kok ada kakek2 gitu? aneh~
tapi akhirnya gw tau jawabannya. Akhirnya setelah sekian lama gw jarang buka kaskus, gw buka tadi. Di bagian hot thread, ada thread yang judulnya Kisah Tragis Seorang Kakek. Jadi intinya kakek ini seorang tukang becak. Pas dia lagi ke pasar, becaknya hilang. Akhirnya kakek ini ketakutan & mendapat perhatian dari orang2. Pas ada kaskusers yang merekam kejadian ini. Akhirnya kaskusers menggalang dana gitu deh buat kakek ini. Bahkan mereka bikin group di facebook gitu. Keep up the good work!

Cerita aneh, hari ini gw sama ade gw ke dokter gigi (gw yang nyetir lho! ha3 kemajuan). Pas pulang ke rumah, ade gw yang Lizda tanya gw: "arah barat kemana sih?" Gw pikir2.. Trus gw inget... dulu gw dilihat Feng Shui nya, katanya gw bagus kalo tidur ke arah barat, dan emang dari dulu gw tidur ke arah barat tapi karena faktor pengaruh letak kamar. Akhirnya gw tunjuk arah barat ke dia.
Ngomong2 soal Feng Shui, jujur gw gak terlalu ngerasain sih ngaruh gak yang soal arah tidur gw, tapi gw suka Feng Shui he3.. ^^
Akhirnya gw masuk kamar & nyalain laptop. Lalu mbak gw nganterin sesuatu ke kamar gw, tiba2 nanya gw: "Hil, arah barat tuh mana sih?" Gw tunjukin juga deh. Tapi kok aneh ya, bisa2nya ade gw sama mbak gw tanya tentang arah barat.. Ck3 what is happened with "barat"??

New Template (again)

Again, I change my template. This time to an original one. Because, my friend, Gilda (again ^^ check her interesting blog here) told me that she couldn't post a comment on my post. Even, when I changed it to the original one, the comment is still not working. So, I click here and there. Last time I checked, it has worked properly. OK!

Monday 1 February 2010

One of my Hobbies: playing Sudoku

It's been 2 years since the last time I played Sudoku. Gyahaha.. Yeah, playing Sudoku have been my hobby at high school.
I was playing Sudoku when the teacher was teaching at the class. I remember the favorite lesson for me for playing Sudoku was Biology. Because I don't like it very much.
And I also had influenced some of my friends. I bought a difficult Sudoku book, ripped some the pages, and give it to my friends. Really miss that moment hahaha...
I even had won a Sudoku competition held on my school that time, together with my best friend, Feilicia. 

Lately, I want to play Sudoku again. Therefore, I took out my old ripped Sudoku book, and play it.
But, I can't solve some of them (a lot actually). Because the last part of the book is really difficult, and I haven't finished it yet (since 2 years ago).
When I searched in internet, I found this link. And because of it, I finished 1 of the Sudoku. Hopefully I can finished more, and become a greater Sudoku player :p

Friday 29 January 2010


Hello everybody, feel free to ask me whatever at my Formspring :) Thx

My fav fruit: grape

This morning, I ate grapes. I love grapes sooo much! Although I like almost all fruits. But I like grapes the most, because it's easy eating, that's why.
And I remembered this...

One day when I was at high school, I brought grapes to school. I ate it with some of my friends. Some of them ate the seeds. I was surprised. I began to ask everyone at my class, did they eat the seeds or not. Most of them didn't. But the most interesting answer came from Rico: "I didn't even eat the skin, how come I eat the seed?" *hahaha*

So, I search the benefits of grape's seed this morning, and it contains antioxidant. It also good for bone and skin. But mostly the seed is extracted, but more or less I think it's same :p
However, I still can't imagine I swallow the grape seeds. Fortunately, I always eat seedless grape lately.. ho3..

Avatarize yourself

I found it at someone's blog.. it's fun :)
But I don't think it looks like me. What do you think?
The one I found at someone's blog, I think it's gross hahaha...

New Template

What do you think of my new blog template?
I like the bird and the cupcake haha..

Bye to the old one :)

Thursday 28 January 2010

again: The Apprentice

Baru inget! Belum nonton The Apprentice nih! hix3..
Kapan dong ya?

Btw, gw udah bosen sama background blog gw. Apalagi kadang2 spasinya suka error.. cari ah~

Any idea where can I search for it? :)

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Magang ke RSK Dharmais

Sebelumnya, gw mw crita, kemarin, tgl 25 Jan, gw mulai mengunjungi rumah sakit. Dalam rangka apa? Jadi, setelah selesai training di Siemens, jurusan gw emang diwajibkan untuk mengunjungi rumah sakit. Ya buat belajar2, cari tau gitu deh...
Nah, rumah sakit yang akan gw tuju adalah RS Kanker Dharmais. Tadinya gw mau ke RS Gading Pluit. Tapi sayangnya tahun ini RS itu tidak menerima internship, jadi batal deh. Untungnya sih emang Dharmais lebih deket ke rumah gw. Jadi, OK deh ^^

Dari kemarin sampai hari ini, kita (gw + tmen gw jadi ber4) udah liat2 alat2 radiotherapy & radio diagnostic. Kemarin malem gw kehujanan, lalu pagi ini gw bgn dgn kepala agak sakit. Sialnya, hari ini kita kebagian di bagian yang namanya brachitherapy, untuk pengobatan kanker serviks (mulut rahim). Jadi kita boleh masuk ke ruangan operasinya, dimana pasien dipasang beberapa applicator.

Jadi hari ini, gw mual banget, karena gw udah sakit kepala, gak enak badan, gw liat lagi ada ibu2 (udah dibius) yg bagian V-nya dimasukkan applicator macem2. SIAL!

Photos of Marchѐ

I've got the photos of me, my sisters, Dion, and Sandra Dewi, and the photos when I, Dion, Kenny and Metta went to Marche (read it here).   Enjoy :)

at Hypermart
at Haagen-dazs
Raspberry girls
feeding the cow
cow girls
cow boys

Thursday 21 January 2010

Let's Speak Korean

Belakangan, gw rajin nonton TV karena ga ada kerjaan ^^

Sampai siang 2 hari yang lalu, gw lg siapin mkn siang buat Bellinda yg br pulang sekolah. Biasa gw slalu mkn bareng Bellinda sambil nntn TV. Ketika gw buka TV, gak sengaja kebuka channel Korea yg namanya Arirang Arab. Ketika itu lagi ada acara yang judulnya Let's Speak Korean.

Gw nntn acaranya. Aneh. Tp gw tonton terus :D
Acaranya ya tentang ngajarin orang asing yang datang ke Korea bahasa Korea. Kebetulan episode yang gw tonton wkt itu ttg perkenalan. Gak kerasa, pas Bellinda udah selese makan, gw masih nntn & blm mkn2 jg *wk3*

Sekarang gw jadi ngikutin acara ini. Lumayan, gw udah catet di buku some useful phrases, bagaimana cara ngomong thx, sorry, bye2, perkenalin nama, tanya "have you eat lunch?", & bagaimana order makanan. Nice, isn't it? =)

Tuesday 19 January 2010


Last week I went to Hypermart Puri to buy some sushi ingredients (to make sushi with my mom, my sisters & my bf). We're lucky that day, because Sandra Dewi was going there. By buying some packs of feminin pad (even I forget the brand), we could get a shopping bag & get photo with her (Sandra Dewi). 

And then we took photo with her, and the sales girl said that we can take the photo next week. So, last Sunday I went there to take it, but the receptionist said that we can take it on the next day, Monday. *ah~* we're so disappointed. Anyway, as soon as we get the photo, I will show you ^^ 

And also, on Sunday evening, I went to Marche at Plaza Senayan with Dion, Kenny and Metta. We went together on this holiday for several times. But, yesterday, I think the atmosphere of double date is very special and "kental". *wk3* I enjoyed it very much. We took photos, ate ice cream, and ate dinner together. But the camera is Metta's. After I get the photos, I will show you them also ^^

The Apprentice

A few months ago, I buy The Apprentice TV Shows series from Kaskus. Of course you know The Apprentice, Donald Trump's show.

There are 6 seasons, but I've only watch 1 season. I like it very much. Want to watch it soon ^^
Although I have plenty time now, because I'm in holiday, but I just feel I can't watch it yet :(
Many things to settle.

Sunday 17 January 2010


Do you remember that I've promised you to tell about Siemens (read it here), and now let's begin!

So, semester 3 di SGU adalah semester dimana mahasiswa magang di Indonesia. Nah karena gw jurusan Biomedical Engineering, gw training di Siemens, selain itu jurusan Mechatronic & Industrial Engineering jg training di sini.

Trainingnya belajar listrik2 gitu deh, baik theory maupun praktek. Trainingnya selama 3 bulan. Nah tapi, sebenarnya, Siemens, tepatnya VTC (Vocational Training Siemens) *gw gak tw apa artinya itu* sebenarnya adalah sebuah kyk sekolah kejuruan gt lho~, tp yg setelah SMK. Jadi ternyata, theory listriknya itu, susah2 lho. Gw jg ada tes2nya gitu, dan gw slalu gak bljr n slalu dpt jelek hix3..

Anyway, gw mw share foto2nya, enjoy ^^

sedang merangkai (gw yg kiri ^^)
lihat yg kuning nyala!
kalo mau pulang ada beres2nya
makan bersama teman2 jurusanPharma
hari terakhir di Siemens, karaokean!

Training di Siemens ya sama dengan menghabiskan duit. Knp? Krn Siemens letaknya di BSD Junction, sedangkan BSD Junction menyambung dengan ITC BSD. Nah tiap ari deh itu anak2 training mkn enak di ITC. Kalo mau makan murah, biasanya mreka bli paket hematnya Hokben. Tp apa gak bosen hokben mulu??

Selain itu, kalo anak training yg cewe2 (seperti teman2 jurusan gw) tiap minggu kita ada acara shopping bersama yg namanya shopping day, yang jatuh pada setiap hari Jumat. Knp Jumat? Karena ada sholat Jumat sehingga kita istirahat 2 jam. Dibandingkan hari biasa, kita masuk jam setengah 8 pagi, istirahat 1 jam, dan pulang jam 4 sore.

Harus gw akuin, memang masa2 training Siemens sangat santai. Karena tidak perlu belajar (kecuali ada tes theory & praktek setiap Jumat). Mungkin dilihat dari foto2 gw, kyknya happy bgt gt y :D tp sbnrnya gw ada masalah juga kok.

Masalah bermulai ketika suatu waktu kelas gw (terdiri atas 5 cewe & 3 cowo SAJA) ditempatkan di sebuah ruang komputer. Nah ketika itu, cowo2 kelas gw mendapati bahwa semua komputer specnya jelek bgt & harddisknya gak ada isi smua. Selain itu, ada fasilitas internet gratis. Mulailah mereka yg cowo2, mengambil kabel2 persediaan & membuat kabel LAN *very creative & clever indeed*. Mulailah mereka membiarkan komputer terbuka, download2 apapun, sampai2 komputer dibiarkan nyala sampe besok paginya. Nah yg kyk gni sih hanya gw anggap kenakalan doank lah. Namanya jg masih gak dewasa (emang cowo kelas gw tuh kyk anak kecil smua gw bilang).

Yang paling parahnya. Gw tau kalo ternyta salah satu dari mreka nyuri. Akhirnya Harddisk 80GB yang gak ada isinya itu, dicuri. Cuma 1 sih. Mungkin mreka gak nyadar klo itu nyuri, krn mreka pasti mikir "toh ga ada yg pake jg". Tp bukankah ngambil milik orang tanpa ijin tuh nyuri ya? Yg 2 lg sih, gw gak tw ambil gak, tp kykny gak. Yg penting mreka ber3 sekongkolan. Mulai saat itu, gw sangat gak respect sm mereka ber3. Malahan gw gak ngomg2 lg sm mreka. Dan gw mencoba menceritakan hal ini kpd tmen2 gw yg cewe. Tp, gw malah tdk mendapat respon yg baik. Karena saat itu jg cowo2 gak pernah ajak gw ngobrol lg. Gw sih gak pduli y.

Yang pasti, gw ttp pada pendirian gw, yaitu : gak akan berteman baik dgn cowo2 (kecuali klo mendesak)
Gw tiba2 pgen ngubah resolusi gw yg pgen dket sm tmen2 kuliah deh. (semangat2, gw pasti bs dket sm tmen2 kuliah gw!)
Knp gw msi msti menghabiskan 2 tahun lg di SGU lg sih?? OH NO!

Buat my bf, Dion: thx ud tmenin gw tiap ada masalah y hi3 ^^

Thursday 14 January 2010


Emang terlalu. Baru kemarin gw menulis resolusi gw buat tahun ini. Hari ini sekumpulan anak2 kampung udah menguji gw. Jadi begini ceritanya...
Ade gw, Bellinda mau ke les, gw pun memaksa untuk nganterin. Setelah menyiapkan untuk bawa Tobi (si shitshu gw yg cebol) kita pun berangkat. Dari kemarin2 jg gw gak pernah absen anterin Bellinda sambil ajak Tobi jalan2.
Sebelum nyampe lesnya, ada warung gitu. Krn males jalan lg, gw suruh dy jln sendri aj, gw liatin dr jauh. Gw bilang hati2 sama Bellinda, dlm bhs Mandarin. Nah di warung itu (warung jual pulsa gt) ada anak2 muda lg nongkrong gitu. Sekilas gw denger bisik2 dr mreka: "Cina. Cina" Langsung gw menoleh dengan kepada menukik sangat tajam, ternyata anak smp. Tuh anak takut, lgsg nunjuk salah satu tmennya: "dia duluan"  *camen emang, gw pelototin aja ciut*

Gw putuskan udah lah, krn gw gak lagi bad mood, lg ajak jalan2 anjing gw, lg megang payung, abis makan siang, abis minum jus jeruk, abis mkn pisang goreng jg, dan lg brencana mw mkn jeruk (ada 2 jeruk di kantong gw). Eh si penjual pulsa malah nongol, gak tw ngomong apa sama gw, tp yg gw cm dger: "mau kemana~ bla~ bla~". Meledaklah gw, gw triakin: "TAI LAH LU!" Lsgs diem mreka, gw pun dgn hati lg berdegup jalan pergi.
Baru jalan 10 langkah, gw brasa mw ngomel lg, akhirnya gw memutuskan balik lg ke warung itu: "AWAS YA LAIN KALI KLO NGOMONG CINA2 LAGI" Si penjual pulsa pun menunjuk org yg td ditunjuk itu: "dia yang mulai.." Spontan gw pke payung gw, gw getok warungnya. Akhirnya baru bener2 jln pulang sambil kasi Tobi pup dulu.

*Hwah~* Lega deh gw. Gw sendri paling suka bagian payung itu *wk3* :D
Akhirnya jeruk gw gak kemakan. Gw pulang sambil mkir2, laen kali kira2 gw bakal ngomel apa ya? wk3,,,
Hari ini gpp deh, krn yg bkin gw marah anak2 kampung yg emg pantes dimarah. Hidup di jaman apa emang mereka, ngomong Cina2 gitu. *ck3*

Wednesday 13 January 2010


Seperti biasa, stelah makan malem, gw dan adik2 berkumpul di kamar mama *berhubung lagi libur :) makanya bisa ngumpul2*. Gw & ade2 maen laptop, sdgkn mama nntn acara Taiwan.
Acara yg lg ditonton itu, acara ttg travel, judulnya 世界那么大 (The World is very Big). Pembawa acaranya cewe, dan episode kali ini dia lagi ke Mojokerto, Indonesia.
Nah critanya di Mojokerto, hostnya mengunjungi suatu tempat training mbak2 yang mau kerja ke Taiwan. Di sini mereka diajarin cara2 bersihin rumah & gimana caranya jagain orang tua kyk nenek2 & kakek2. *baru tau jg gw~* Uniknya lagi, di sini mereka juga diajarin bahasa traditional Taiwan (Hokkian Taiwan).
Nah pas hostnya wawancara sama salah satu mbak2 itu, gw brasa gawat. Kenapa? Krn bhs mandarin gw udah jelek bgt, udah karatan T_T sedangkan menurut gw, bahasa mandarin mbak itu bagus! Oh tidakkk~

Setelah acara travel itu, ada cerita singkat ttg paper craft modern Jepang gitu. Jadi paper craftnya bukan paper craft biasa, tp bisa gerak.
Akhirnya gw search & dapet bbrp video. Walaupun gambarnya gak sama dgn yg td gw tonton, tp setidaknya cara kerjanya sama.

video lagi

2010 resolutions

I decided to write some resolutions for 2010. Actually I just figured it out, when I read my friend, Gilda's blog. Take a look at her blog, it's very interesting.
Anyway, I will write this in Indonesian, because it's important. *hi3* and also, honestly, I was thinking maybe I shouldn't always write this blog in English. Because it's proven that I need much time to write some posts *ho3* shame on me.

Jadi, ini pertama kalinya gw mikirin resolusi. Ini dia.... (listed by importancy)
1. control my temper and mood
# ini penting banget.. Karena terbukti tahun lalu, karena tak bisa mengontrol emosi, jadi berantem sama banyak orang, seperti pengendara motor di BSD yg trnyta adalah instruktur celeb fitness yg sangat nyebelin & bertampang bajingan dan salah satu tetangga yg gw sindir abis2an gara2 ngajak ribut (yang bertampang bajingan juga). Dan juga supaya gak sering berantem sama Dion, terbukti banget gara2 gw yg selalu emosian.
# Semoga kalopun sampe berantem, jgn sampe gw marah berkepanjangan.

2. good money management
# ini termasuk kurangin belanja terutama untuk barang2 tak berguna. Misalnya kayak beli baju n barang2 yg ternyta gak guna.
# kalo bisa pengen bisa cari duit sendiri. Mungkin dengan membuat bisnis internet. *hmm* let's see it later

3. dekat dengan keluarga
# hormat dengan orang tua, dalam konteks ini, papa & mama. Yang lain, persetan. *wk3* Karena ada yang gw gak suka.
# sayang & care dengan adik2. Berhubung kuliah ngekost, cuma balik rumah seminggu sekali, harus keep in touch sama adik2. ^^

4. be mature
# semakin dewasa & mandiri. Jadi, kalo ada kejadian apa2, tau bagaimana harus bersikap. ^^ ini termasuk jadi orang harus lebih well prepared
# rajin ngerjain tugas kuliah (gak ditunda2) & rajin beres2 kamar *males banget sebenarnya*
# mantepin nyetir. Ini penting juga, karena gw udah belajar nyetir sejak SMA 2 ato 3 gitu, tp sampe skrg, berapa kali bawa mobil pun masih bisa dihitung dengan jari.
# jadi lebih feminin, termasuk lebih fashionable dalam berpakaian ^^

5. perihal ke Jerman (only 1 year left!!)
# mantepin mandarin. Udah lama banget ga belajar mandarin. Banyak banget tulisan yg udah lupa *hix3* siapa tau nnti ke Jerman kepake mandarin *wk3 ngarep*
# mantepin Jerman. Rajin ngulang2 pelajaran dari Goethe.
# belajar bahasa lain *kalo bisa~*
# rajin nabung supaya bisa jalan2 ke Europe ^^ cari2 informasi ttg tmpt wisata di Europe *uhuy!*

6. lain2
# cetak foto2, padahal 2 album foto udah beli dari lama, tp sampe skrg blm cetak2 fotony *ho3*
# keep in touch sama tmen2 lama, & smakin dket sama bbrp tmen2 kuliah, walopun tmen2ny dkit doank & ada bbrp yg nyebelin
# kurangin berlama2 di depan laptop/komputer untuk hal gak jelas, misalnya maen game fb
# rajin fitness. udah bayar mahal2, pas libur 1 bulan cuma fitness 2-3 kali. What a waste!
# baca majalah yg dibeli pas bazaar di goethe

waduh gw baru inget ada resolusi laen yg gak kalah penting, tp gw udah gak pgen lg ubah yg atas2, jadi di sni aj deh:
7. Tidur pagian, bangun pagian, sarapan yg enak, makan siang yg banyak, makan malem gak terlalu banyak ^^

Saturday 9 January 2010

Malaysia Trip

Hello again~ *wah* it's been a while since the last time I updated my blog ^^

Me and my family went to Malaysia last week, on 29th Dec 09. The first thing we did when we arrived was eating lunch at Nilai, Kuala Lumpur. After that, we went to a factory (my father was doing his business). After that, we went to Genting. Actually, this time we only stay at Genting (for the fun purpose of course ^^)

The second day, me and my sisters went to the Theme Park. There were a lot of people, and the queue was really long. At peak season, the Theme Park opens until 10pm. So at 5pm, we decided to went back to hotel to take a bath & to eat dinner, and we came back at 7pm. We played until 10pm.
A group of people made the boats line together

The third day, it's the 31th Dec 09, unfortunately, we didn't get any room. So we packed and checked out. Winda's friend from KL, his name is Ivan, came to accompany us through the day. At 5 pm, we just hanged out at Starbucks cafe to enjoy the Wi-Fi. At 8 pm we watched Treasure Hunter at the nearest Cineplex. After watching movie, we ate at a Chinese food restaurant. The food is bad I think. :(
At 11pm, we decided to spent the night at Starbucks. After the fireworks, which I missed (if not, we would lost our seats at Starbucks), the cafe became very crowded. There're many people waiting for the sit. There're also many people that didn't get any room, and decided to sleep anywhere. I was a little bit disturbed with some couples near Starbucks' behavior, made some intimate movement at dawn, which I don't like.
The view from my seat. Wunderbar!

The next day, that's the 1st Jan 2010, we went to KL. First, we took cable car until the bus station, from the bus station, we took the bus until KL central. That time, my father didn't come with us. We went to shopping centre, Sungei Wang. Remember the Wella hair mask I ever bought? (read it here), I bought 2 bottle for only 163rm (around Rp450.000) there. In the evening, we went back to Genting.
cable car

In the next day, we idly stay at hotel for the whole day, because we're too tired. I watched an interesting children program, Wonderpets, and I like it ^^ There's really nothing to tell about, except in the night I went to Casino with my mom ^^ I was rejected once, but I tried to got in from other gate (there was a group of Chinese teenagers that were being checked by the security, and I found my way to the Casino) I played roulette and slot game. Unfortunately, I lose 100rm, and decided to went back to hotel room, while my mom stayed there for the rest of the night.

In the next day, we went to Sunway to visit Ivan. First we took bus from the bus station at Genting to station One Utama. Then we took Taxi to Pyramid Mall, Sunway. After eating, taking some photos, and buying some souvenirs, we went back to Genting.
Sunway Pyramid Mall from taxi

Monday, 4th Jan 10 was the last day we stay at Malaysia. Before we left, I took a photo of the view from our room.
Beautiful, isn't it?

In the afternoon, we went back to Jakarta. I have spent my holiday at Malaysia for sometimes. But this is the first time that we stay in Genting only.
Anyway, I think KL, Malaysia is good. Obviously better than Jakarta and even Indonesia (some will sure hate me if I say this). But I really think that KL is a more comfortable city to live in, compared to Jakarta. The transportation is good, and I always feel safe to travel anywhere in KL.