Tuesday, 19 January 2010


Last week I went to Hypermart Puri to buy some sushi ingredients (to make sushi with my mom, my sisters & my bf). We're lucky that day, because Sandra Dewi was going there. By buying some packs of feminin pad (even I forget the brand), we could get a shopping bag & get photo with her (Sandra Dewi). 

And then we took photo with her, and the sales girl said that we can take the photo next week. So, last Sunday I went there to take it, but the receptionist said that we can take it on the next day, Monday. *ah~* we're so disappointed. Anyway, as soon as we get the photo, I will show you ^^ 

And also, on Sunday evening, I went to Marche at Plaza Senayan with Dion, Kenny and Metta. We went together on this holiday for several times. But, yesterday, I think the atmosphere of double date is very special and "kental". *wk3* I enjoyed it very much. We took photos, ate ice cream, and ate dinner together. But the camera is Metta's. After I get the photos, I will show you them also ^^

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